Monday, April 23, 2012

Evolution vs. Creationism

Tennessee enacted a law giving teachers the freedom to question evolution and teach creationism. To be honest with you, I don't remember being taught either in school. And if we actually did get taught anything, it was evolution and it was barely skimmed over.

Honestly, neither side can prove they're right 100%. Can we not just teach evolution as a theory? We teach all the other scientific theories, so why is evolution so controversial? There are controversial things in school all the time! I mean, whatever happened to separating church and state? Teaching creationism should be up to the parent, because religious and spiritual duties should be the parents' job, NOT the schools'.

Yes, I think evolution should be taught, but as it is: a theory. Evolution is a theory, there is no argument among anyone on that. So what is the problem introducing the theory? Not every religion thinks of creationism the same way, so how would a school teach it?

It sees like such a simple solution to me. . . Thoughts?

Monday, April 9, 2012

Oppression by the Oppressed

It has always been intriguing to me when a person of a certain minority group, be it race or ethnicity, etc, is intolerant of another group. It's mind-boggling, actually! How could one possibly be oppressive and intolerant to another group when she/he knows exactly how it feels to be on the receiving end? To me, it makes zero sense. 
The Kurds have suffered so much at the hands of, well, everyone. They understand how it feels to be judged by simply being you. What sense does it make that they would be intolerant of the LGBT community? 
I know that every society/group has the in-group and the out-group. SOMEONE has to be the out-group, period. That's just how we are wired. But why not focus that out-group energy to ones who deserve it, like the limitless oppressors of Kurds? 

Rest in peace, Ahmet Yildiz.